Tag Archives: nature

Aesthetic Intimacy

Aesthetic Intimacy

Have you ever viewed a sunset and felt nothing but complete peace? Ever watched a sunrise and stood in awe at its beauty? Or have you stared into the sky of stars and felt nothing but complete comfort or happiness.

This is aesthetic intimacy. Aesthetic is the appreciation of beauty. Intimacy is defined as closeness. Enjoying the beauty of the universe. This feeling is one that I like to call aesthetic intimacy with God. I feel so close to my Creator in these moments of beauty. It could be the way the crickets chirp at night, the dogs howling all together, or the sound of the earth shaking when a horse gallops along. The beauty of His majesty is all around us.

I like to think that God is in the heavens with a paintbrush, brushing across the skies. That He is up there as a director, directing His choir of many beings to all be in unison and sing in just the way that is pleasing to His ears.

In nature and its magnificent glory is when I feel closest to my Father and almost as if I’m being cradled in His arms. These moments have to be the closest feeling to agape love as I could ever imagine.